frequenty asked questions
Closest Hotel uses advanced mapping technology to calculate and display the closest hotels (by driving or walking time) to a specific address or point of interest. You can search for hotels by typing in your desired location, and we'll provide you with a list of options based on driving or walking time.
Closest Hotel offers more than 700,000 properties in a wide range of accommodations, including luxury hotels, budget-friendly options, boutique hotels, and more. You can filter your search results based on your preferences.
Yes, you can select your preferred mode of transportation (walking or driving) when searching for hotels. This allows you to find accommodations that are convenient for your travel needs.
We use up-to-date mapping and navigation data to calculate travel times accurately. However, please note that real-time traffic conditions and walking speeds may affect the actual travel times.
Yes, you can view hotel prices and availability for the dates you specify. We provide detailed information about each hotel, including room rates and room types.
Absolutely! Closest Hotel allows you to book your preferred hotel directly through our platform. We provide secure and convenient booking options.
While you can use Closest Hotel without creating an account, having an account allows you to save your favorite hotels, access exclusive deals, and manage your reservations more efficiently.
Yes, Closest Hotel covers hotels and accommodations worldwide. You can use it to find hotels in any location around the world.
We accept a variety of major credit cards. The specific cards accepted may vary based on whether you opt for the "Pay Now" feature or choose to pay directly at the hotel. Rest assured, the list of accepted credit cards will be clearly displayed during checkout..
You can reach our customer support team through the "Support" section on our website. We are available to assist you with any inquiries or concerns 24 hours a day either by toll-free telephone or e-mail.
Yes, you can manage your reservations, including modifications and cancellations, through your Closest Hotel account. Please check the hotel's cancellation policy for any applicable fees.
We take data security seriously and use industry-standard encryption to protect your personal information. Your data is safe when using Closest Hotel and we never store your credit card information on our servers.
No, we strive to provide transparent pricing. The total cost, including taxes and fees, will be displayed before you confirm your booking.
Yes, you can use our advanced filters to narrow down your search by specific amenities and features to find the perfect hotel that meets your preferences.
After booking, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to check in. Simply follow the hotel's check-in procedures upon arrival.
We are currently working on allowing users to leave reviews. In the meantime, at the bottom of the hotel details page, you can find reviews left by users at Expedia and
If you encounter any issues during your stay, please contact the hotel's front desk first to address the problem. If the issue remains unresolved, you can reach out to our customer support for assistance.
Yes, you can book multiple rooms for groups or families. Simply specify the number of rooms needed during the booking process.
Yes, Closest Hotel is fully responsive and can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets. We also offer a mobile app for added convenience.
We are working on promotions and giveaways in the future as an added “Thank you” for booking your stay with ClosestHotel.
You can book hotels well in advance, sometimes up to a year or more, depending on the hotel's policy. It's best to check the specific hotel's booking window.
You can log in to your Closest Hotel account and review your reservations. Be sure to review the hotel's cancellation policy for any associated fees. Some hotels offer free cancellation while others do not. Please check the cancellation policy for the rate you select before you book your room. While we cannot change dates, you may have the option to cancel and rebook without a penalty.
Yes, Closest Hotel offers extended-stay options and serviced apartments for travelers seeking longer-term stays. You can specify your duration in the search filters.
To find the best deals, sign up for our newsletter, and follow us on social media. We also offer exclusive discounts and promotions to our loyal users.
A significant number of our hotels provide shuttle services to and from the airport. To streamline your search, apply the “free airport shuttle” filter to display only those hotels extending this amenity.
Certainly! Numerous guests prefer hotels in close proximity to their events. Our distinctive search tools highlight both driving and walking durations to specific destinations, ensuring you find the perfect location..
Absolutely! Our platform provides various room options detailing the view, potential floor level, and more. During checkout, you can include any special requests, and the hotel will do its best to accommodate your preferences.
You can cancel your reservation through your Closest Hotel account by accessing your booking details. Please review the hotel's cancellation policy for any applicable fees.
Not at all! While we provide access to over 700,000 hotels at competitive rates, we earn a commission from bookings. No additional fees are passed on to you
If you anticipate arriving late, we recommend contacting the hotel directly to inform them of your late arrival. Most hotels have procedures in place for late check-ins.
You can typically show your reservation confirmation on your phone when you check in. However, it's a good idea to check with the hotel in advance if they have any specific requirements.
You can find the hotel's contact information on its detail page, including the phone number and email address. You can also contact our customer support for assistance.
Closest Hotel may offer special deals for both early bookings and last-minute reservations. Keep an eye on our website for promotions and discounts.
Yes, you can make a reservation for someone else using your Closest Hotel account. Make sure to provide their details during the booking process.
Closest Hotel accepts a variety of payment methods, including major credit cards, debit cards, and popular online payment platforms like PayPal.
Yes, Closest Hotel provides customer support to assist with any booking inquiries or issues before, during, or after your stay. Contact us via phone, email, or live chat for prompt assistance.
Yes, we provide high-quality photos and user reviews for each hotel to help you make an informed decision when booking.
ClosestHotel allows for bookings of up to 28 days. If you require a longer stay, you can make more than one reservation at the same hotel. Many hotels will simply keep you in the same room for the duration of the stay (assuming you chose the same room type).
Hotels detail their accessibility features, including grab rails and wheelchair access, among others. Check the hotel's amenities section to understand their specific accessibility provisions..
You must be 18 years of age or older to book a hotel room through Closest Hotel.
You can book hotels for one-night stays on Closest Hotel. There is no minimum night requirement for most properties, although it may vary by hotel.
Information about whether breakfast is included with your reservation can be found in the hotel's details. Look for the "amenities" section or check the room description for this information.
You can request an extra crib in the comments section on checkout or call the hotel after the booking..
If you need to change the name on your reservation, please contact our customer support for assistance, as policies for name changes may vary by hotel.